Far Away Adventures

Choose from 17 possible endings!

For readers aged 5-8, this Dragonlark pack takes young readers on stimulating adventures to far away lands, all while learning about different cultures and places.

Contains 2 books from the Dragonlarks series:

  • Caravan by R. A. Montgomery: You live in Tibet in 1696. Your parents say you're not old enough to go on the long caravan to India, through the Himalayan mountains of Nepal. You know the trip could be dangerous (bandits, bad weather, rock falls), but it would be the journey of a lifetime.
  • Your Purrr-fect Birthday by R. A. Montgomery: Tomorrow is your birthday and your cat, Fes, is acting weirder than usual. For starters, he talks! Magical hairball tea transports you to ancient Egypt. And a time-space machine brings you to the beginning of time, and the signing of the Declaration of Independence.
  • $14.99
  • $6.74

Meet The Author

R. A. Montgomery

More about the author

Product Details

  • Categories


  • Number of Pages


  • Reading Level

    Grade 3