February 28, 2017:
One of the printers Chooseco works with to print some of our titles let us know that they used a glue on a 2016 print run that lost its adhesive quality when it dried. We have heard from people who have purchased these books and noticed the problem and are happy to work with you to get you new copies. If you think you bought a book with bad glue, write us at webmail@chooseco.com and we will check and see if your copy is part of this bad printing and get you a replacement quickly at no cost.
SILVER WINGS - Due to our own error, Silver Wings has a mistake at the bottom of every page (telling you which page to turn to next). We uploaded the wrong file to the printer and have since corrected the problem by recalling the book from shelves and replacing copies with the corrected version. There may be a few of these wacky versions still kicking around out there. If you are a customer or librarian and have discovered one, please tear off the back cover and mail it to us at the address below. We will gladly replace it with the latest (corrected) print run of Silver Wings, or any other classic title of your choice. Don't forget to let us know which title you would like, and provide your mailing address. Please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery.
YOUR VERY OWN ROBOT - An error occurring in our first print run of Your Very Own Robot inadvertently cuts off pages 16, and subsequently eliminates 4 possible endings. Page 43 should say turn to page 12, not page 11. We have corrected this in subsequent print runs, and are happy to replace your misprinted copy with the corrected version, or with any of our other DragonLarks - your choice! Please tear off the back cover and mail it to the address below, including your selected replacement title, and your mailing address. Please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery.
STRUGGLE DOWN UNDER - It has recently come to our attention that there are two errors in Struggle Down Under. Page 50 currently instructs the reader to turn to page 67. The page should say turn to page 51 instead. Page 68 says turn to page 87, however the correct path should be page 68 to page 69 - 71 ending on page 87. We will not be reprinting this title in the near future, but would like to offer a replacement title of your choice. As above, please tear off the back cover, and mail it to us at the address below, including your selected replacement title, and your mailing address.
Please mail covers to:
Chooseco, LLC
P.O. Box 46
Waitsfield, VT 05673