Chooseco Publishing Blog


Summer reading is vital to kids' healthy learning development. To keep literacy, reading, and comprehension (all of the stuff they are working on in school) on course, kids need to keep their minds active. But it can be hard to stay put with a book when the sun is shining and the boat is already ...
CYOA Clip: The Choose Your Own Adventure® gamebooks were featured on the Today Show as the perfect “summer camp send-off” books: “I love these, my sons love these, you can read them time and time again and have a different ending. They are really fun and are great be...
As we progress to the final proofing stages of one of our newest gamebooks for May 2016, Dragonlark series title... *Your Grandparents are SPIES by Anson Montgomery we thought that we should bring in a local professional to make sure that it's up to snuff: Blaise is a connoisseur in everything C...

Letters of thanks

About a month ago, we received an email from a teacher in Florida who runs a remedial reading program. She wondered if we could offer a discount on our books for a program like hers, or even donate some damaged books. We were pleased to let her know that we keep a whole section of our warehouse ...