In December of 2016, Johnny’s former school in Malibu, California, the Point Dume Marine Science Elementary School, unveiled the “Johnny Strange Adventure Corner” in their library. The corner includes maps and globes of the world on the floor and walls, classic adventure books, pictures that Johnny drew as a kid, and a picture of Johnny standing atop Mount Everest. The corner is meant to be a place for children to read, explore, and remember Johnny.
The moment we heard about the space, we thought: What would a library’s “Adventure Corner” be without Choose Your Own Adventure gamebooks?! Gladly, we were pleased to learn that Johnny’s parents had donated a handful of Choose Your Own Adventure books to the library corner. Because Johnny was such an embodiment of everything Choose, we were honored to donate a collection of additional CYOA books to the library, as well. We hope that one day we can visit the school and learn from the many little adventuring students!
We hope the kids at the Point Dume Marine Science Elementary School enjoy reading all of the Choose Your Own Adventure gamebooks, and that they keep chasing their dreams and adventuring on, just like Johnny.
Like the idea?YOU can donate to the Johnny Strange Adventure Corner as well!
Article in Malibu Surfside News: Point Dume Marine Science Elementary School’s website:
Johnny Strange Choose Your Own Adventure Reading List: