Chooseco Publishing Blog

princess island

"I LOVED the Choose Your Own Adventure books when I was a kid!" We heard a lot of similar chatter (like the quote above) from excited fans in the book industry (and beyond) at our booth at the Book Expo of America this past May.  Sentiments like: "These are the books that got me reading" from nu...
CYOA Clip: The Choose Your Own Adventure® gamebooks were featured on the Today Show as the perfect “summer camp send-off” books: “I love these, my sons love these, you can read them time and time again and have a different ending. They are really fun and are great be...
Have you met Perri? We had a blast putting together the ever-cute "Princess Island Camp Survival Kits," which included everything a Princess camper might need for a summer of adventure at Princess Island summer camp. Her Royal Highness, Princess Peregrine Yvette (aka "Princess Dirt"), tailored e...